Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Results

The last time we went to the hospital for testing, Elisabeth knew exactly where to go.  She wanted to thank the nurses and techs who were so kind to her during her EEG testing.  So, she wrote a sweet thank-you note, and made me go to the store, and get them a cake.

We left early for that test.  I didn't want to drag a cake all over TX Children's for the morning.

On the way to the elevator, she spotted an adorable little boy, who was maybe 8 years old.  His head was cool with a summer crew-cut.  I remembered when my boys were that young and cute with their summer cuts.

The little boy turned around.  "MOMMY!"  She whispered.  "Did he have brain surgery like me?"

The sweet little guy had a large, healing incision, covered with stitches, across the back of his head.  His hair was shaved all around it.

"I don't think it's in the same place as you, sweetheart.  But look how healthy and happy he looks!  Maybe he's better, and won't have problems anymore!"

"Oh, OK."

We took up the cake to the neuro floor, and headed back for her test.  I didn't let her see the worry in my face.  Of course, I knew brain surgery meant some incisions.  But, would her hair be shaved?  Would she spend the next few years with short hair?  It's funny the things moms obsess about.  Of all the possibilities facing her, why the hair?

I tried to put it out of my mind, and just decided then and there, that if she did lose that gorgeous, caramel colored, shiny halo, it would be temporary.  We would get extensions, or do whatever we needed to do to make it easier for her.

We still didn't know if she'd get surgery at all.   It was totally possible that her testing showed she wasn't a good fit, and we'd have to deal with epilepsy forever.  A shaved head is nothing compared to a lifetime of disability.  Perspective.

When we got home, I told my husband, Scott.  I haven't mentioned Scott very much, but he was our strength.  Our common sense.  Our rock, in a sea of emotion.  He looked at me, and said, "we're taking a vacation."

Bless him.  He's my hero. He booked a mini vacation in two weeks!!!  We talked about it, looked forward to it, and took our minds off all. that. waiting.

The day before we left, I got a phone call.  It was Dr. Quach!!  I almost passed out from the suspense.  "Well??"

"We presented her case to the epilepsy conference.  Dr. Anderson presented her EEG results.  Dr. Chapieski, her psych results.  We showed all the MRI and scan data.  It was unanimous that she is a good candidate for a left temporal lobectomy.  We think it is the best course of action for her."

Oh, the relief.  The wait was over.  We knew what was coming. Well, almost.  After discussing all the details, he asked if I had any more questions.  "Well, one.  I know it's shallow, but I just need to know.  Will they have to shave her hair?"

"No.  Dr. Curry takes very, very little.  She has long hair?  It won't show."

Blessing upon blessing upon blessing.

"No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly."  Psalm 84:1

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