Monday, July 15, 2013

Some background on my Elisabeth Grace

This is Elisabeth.  The taller one, with her arm around her little sister, Katherine.  She's all dressed up for church, and taking care of someone else, as usual.

Elisabeth is my third child.  I had two boys first.  Don't tell them, but I was sure they were each girls.  I wanted a girl. My mom and I were very close. She's still my best friend.  We can talk about anything.  I wanted a girl in my life as well.  First came boy number one.  Of course, I didn't care when I held him.  I love him dearly. Then came boy number two.  He's become one of the great joys of my life.  I wouldn't give anything in the world for either of them.  But, when I saw ultrasound number 2 of boy number 2, I got a bit desperate.

It crossed my mind that I might NEVER have a girl.  A sweet little piece of heaven to dress up, and play tea parties with, and teach how to be a lady, and, hopefully be as good of friends one day, as my mom and I are now.

Well, God had good things for us, and baby number three was actually a GIRL!!!!!  What a joy!!!   My amazing husband actually agreed to the name I had picked out for her before we even met.  Elisabeth Grace.  She was always my very wanted, very precious, gift from heaven.

 From her very first breath, she brought us sunshine.  She was everything I dreamed of and more.  Not only was she beautiful, she was also sweet.  She smiled all the time.  She loved the whole world and everybody in it.

When I told her 'no', she actually listened!  Yes, those kind do exist, my angel proved it.

Sometimes, when I was watching her, reveling in her cuteness, and sweetness, and little baby brightness, I remembered my great-great aunt describing a gorgeous nephew of hers, who was born in the early 1900's.  He was always perfect, she said, with golden curls, just like Elisabeth.  A sunshine and a joy.  The family was terribly, terribly sad when he got a fever, and went to heaven at the age of seven.  She said that some children were just too good for this earth, and God took them early, so they wouldn't have to face any sorrows of life.

I actually got a sense of fear then, just remembering Aunt Marie's words.  Was this baby too good for this earth as well?  No, she was perfectly healthy.  Glowing.  We have antibiotics now.  She'll be fine.  And she was.

For nine straight years.  And two more siblings to follow.  Who she helped care for, like another little mommy.  She was my right arm.  My pride and joy.  So, when she said she couldn't talk, I just dismissed it.  She was the shining perfect one.  Right?

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