Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The End or The Beginning

I was racking my brain last night for the words to describe Elisabeth and our whole family right now.  It's hard because there are no words.

When I look back at the last 22 months of our lives, I see so many changes.  So much growth.

I saw my precious, sweet, little girl disappear in front of my eyes.  My mama's heart knew something was very, very wrong with her little brain.   I watched her lose her strength, her appetite, her vitality.   I watched her life being taken from her in tiny, little bits.

But, I also watched her never lose her spirit.  Her joy.  Her zest for life.  She never gave up.  Never said "That's enough!!"  Never stopped hoping.

I saw her grow into a beautiful young lady.  Inside and out.

I learned about the Bluebird Clinic for Epilepsy.   I had the privilege of knowing amazingly brilliant, gifted physicians, who give years of their lives sorting through mountains of data.  Researching. Operating in delicate areas with precision and kindness for endless hours.  All to help children, like Elisabeth.  Children that medicine doesn't help.  Children who wouldn't have made it, years ago.

I can't thank those Doctors enough.  They sorted through Elisabeth's information, and knew what to do.  They were able to help her, when others could not.   Our family is so grateful to them.   And  to their families, who have to share them with children who need their help.  We will never forget them.

I also think of family and friends and even friends of friends, who took time out of their busy lives to send cards and well wishes to a little girl they didn't even know.  These special people bombarded the gates of heaven with prayers for my precious one, and it gave us a peace that I can't explain any other way.  Thank you.

I think of my husband.  Who drove to work every day.  Facing that long commute, my tears, Elisabeth's weakness, and hours of hospital visits with strength and love.  He's our rock, he's provided absolutely everything we needed for her care, and for all our children's care.  We couldn't have done this without him.

But, most of all, I think of my precious  Elisabeth Grace.  How she's now growing and blossoming into the beautiful girl that I always saw.

The Dr's have warned us that she's not officially seizure free for a year.   That the seizures could come back.  That there are no guarantees.

But, really,do any of us have a guarantee of tomorrow?

My mother's heart tells me she is well.  I've seen no seizures.  No sickness.  She is alert, growing, happy, full of energy and a zest for life that you only see in healthy youth.   She has her life back.

She has taught me to hold my loved ones close, and seize every day with joy and thankfulness.  Because every day is a gift.

She is my hero.


  1. I love this and can relate in so many ways! I have been praying for your girl and will keep on!

  2. Elisabeth is such a delightful young lady. We are continuing to pray that she is seizure and arora free. I have a mommy friend with epilepsy and I have a seizure disorder. Your posts hit very close to home with me. You're an amazing mama! Thank you for writing your story out. <3
